| |
- Method resolution order:
- FM
- ranger.core.actions.Actions
- ranger.core.shared.FileManagerAware
- ranger.core.shared.EnvironmentAware
- ranger.core.shared.SettingsAware
- ranger.ext.signals.SignalDispatcher
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, ui=None, bookmarks=None, tags=None, paths=['.'])
- Initialize FM.
- block_input(self, sec=0)
- confpath(self, *paths)
- returns the path relative to rangers configuration directory
- copy_config_files(self, which)
- destroy(self)
- garbage_collect(self, age, tabs=None)
- Delete unused directory objects
- get_directory(self, path)
- Get the directory object at the given path
- initialize(self)
- If ui/bookmarks are None, they will be initialized here.
- input_is_blocked(self)
- loop(self)
- The main loop of ranger.
It consists of:
1. reloading bookmarks if outdated
2. letting the loader work
3. drawing and finalizing ui
4. reading and handling user input
5. after X loops: collecting unused directory objects
- relpath(self, *paths)
- returns the path relative to rangers library directory
Data descriptors defined here:
- thisdir
- thisfile
Data and other attributes defined here:
- input_blocked = False
- input_blocked_until = 0
- mode = 'normal'
- search_method = 'ctime'
Methods inherited from ranger.core.actions.Actions:
- abort(self)
- cd(self, path, remember=True)
- enter the directory at the given path, remember=True
- change_mode(self, mode)
- copy(self, mode='set', narg=None, dirarg=None)
- Copy the selected items. Modes are: 'set', 'add', 'remove'.
- cut(self, mode='set', narg=None, dirarg=None)
- delete(self)
- display_command_help(self, console_widget)
- display_file(self)
- display_help(self)
- display_log(self)
- draw_bookmarks(self)
- draw_possible_programs(self)
- dump_commands(self)
- dump_keybindings(self, *contexts)
- dump_settings(self)
- edit_file(self, file=None)
- Calls execute_file with the current file and label='editor'
- enter_bookmark(self, key)
- Enter the bookmark with the name <key>
- enter_dir(self, path, remember=False, history=True)
- Enter the directory at the given path
- execute_command(self, cmd, **kw)
- execute_console(self, string='', wildcards=[], quantifier=None)
- Execute a command for the console
- execute_file(self, files, **kw)
- Execute a file.
app is the name of a method in Applications, without the "app_"
flags is a string consisting of runner.ALLOWED_FLAGS
mode is a positive integer.
Both flags and mode specify how the program is run.
- exit(self)
- Exit the program
- get_cumulative_size(self)
- get_preview(self, file, width, height)
- hide_bookmarks(self)
- hide_console_info(self)
- history_go(self, relative)
- Move back and forth in the history
- mark_files(self, all=False, toggle=False, val=None, movedown=None, narg=1)
- A wrapper for the directory.mark_xyz functions.
all - change all files of the current directory at once?
toggle - toggle the marked-status?
val - mark or unmark?
- mark_in_direction(self, val=True, dirarg=None)
- mkdir(self, name)
- move(self, narg=None, **kw)
- A universal movement method.
Accepts these parameters:
(int) down, (int) up, (int) left, (int) right, (int) to,
(bool) absolute, (bool) relative, (bool) pages,
(bool) percentage
to=X is translated to down=X, absolute=True
move(down=4, pages=True) # moves down by 4 pages.
move(to=2, pages=True) # moves to page 2.
move(to=1, percentage=True) # moves to 80%
- move_parent(self, n, narg=None)
- notify(self, text, duration=4, bad=False)
- open_console(self, string='', prompt=None, position=None)
- Open the console
- pager_close(self)
- pager_move(self, narg=None, **kw)
- paste(self, overwrite=False)
- Paste the selected items into the current directory
- paste_hardlink(self)
- paste_hardlinked_subtree(self)
- paste_symlink(self, relative=False)
- pause_tasks(self)
- redraw_window(self)
- Redraw the window
- reload_cwd(self)
- rename(self, src, dest)
- reset(self)
- Reset the filemanager, clearing the directory buffer
- scroll(self, relative)
- Scroll down by <relative> lines
- search_file(self, text, offset=1, regexp=True)
- search_next(self, order=None, offset=1, forward=True)
- select_file(self, path)
- set_bookmark(self, key)
- Set the bookmark with the name <key> to the current directory
- set_filter(self, fltr)
- set_option(self, optname, value)
- Set the value of an option named <optname>
- set_option_from_string(self, option_name, value, localpath=None, tags=None)
- set_search_method(self, order, forward=True)
- sort(self, func=None, reverse=None)
- source(self, filename)
- substitute_macros(self, string, additional={}, escape=False)
- tab_close(self, name=None)
- tab_move(self, offset)
- tab_new(self, path=None)
- tab_open(self, name, path=None)
- # --------------------------
# -- Tabs
# --------------------------
- tab_restore(self)
- tag_add(self, paths=None, movedown=None)
- tag_remove(self, paths=None, movedown=None)
- tag_toggle(self, paths=None, value=None, movedown=None, tag=None)
- taskview_close(self)
- taskview_move(self, narg=None, **kw)
- taskview_open(self)
- toggle_option(self, string)
- Toggle a boolean option named <string>
- toggle_visual_mode(self, reverse=False)
- traverse(self)
- uncut(self)
- unset_bookmark(self, key)
- Delete the bookmark with the name <key>
- update_preview(self, path)
- # --------------------------
# -- Previews
# --------------------------
Data descriptors inherited from ranger.core.shared.FileManagerAware:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from ranger.core.shared.EnvironmentAware:
env = None
Methods inherited from ranger.ext.signals.SignalDispatcher:
- signal_bind(self, signal_name, function, priority=0.5, weak=False, autosort=True)
- Bind a function to the signal.
signal_name: Any string to name the signal
function: Any function with either one or zero arguments which will be
called when the signal is emitted. If it takes one argument, a
Signal object will be passed to it.
priority: Optional, any number. When signals are emitted, handlers will
be called in order of priority. (highest priority first)
weak: Use a weak reference of "function" so it can be garbage collected
properly when it's deleted.
Returns a SignalHandler which can be used to remove this binding by
passing it to signal_unbind().
- signal_clear(self)
- Remove all signals.
- signal_emit(self, signal_name, **kw)
- Emits a signal and call every function that was bound to that signal.
You can call this method with any key words. They will be turned into
attributes of the Signal object that is passed to the functions.
If a function calls signal.stop(), no further functions will be called.
If a function raises a ReferenceError, the handler will be deleted.
Returns False if signal.stop() was called and True otherwise.
- signal_force_sort(self, signal_name=None)
- Forces a sorting of signal handlers by priority.
This is only necessary if you used signal_bind with autosort=False
after finishing to bind many signals at once.
- signal_garbage_collect(self)
- Remove all handlers with deleted weak references.
Usually this is not needed; every time you emit a signal, its handlers
are automatically checked in this way. However, if you can't be sure
that a signal is ever emitted AND you keep binding weakly referenced
functions to the signal, this method should be regularly called to
avoid memory leaks in self._signals.
>>> sig = SignalDispatcher()
>>> # lambda:None is an anonymous function which has no references
>>> # so it should get deleted immediately
>>> handler = sig.signal_bind('test', lambda: None, weak=True)
>>> len(sig._signals['test'])
>>> # need to call garbage collect so that it's removed from the list.
>>> sig.signal_garbage_collect()
>>> len(sig._signals['test'])
>>> # This demonstrates that garbage collecting is not necessary
>>> # when using signal_emit().
>>> handler = sig.signal_bind('test', lambda: None, weak=True)
>>> sig.signal_emit('another_signal')
>>> len(sig._signals['test'])
>>> sig.signal_emit('test')
>>> len(sig._signals['test'])
- signal_unbind(self, signal_handler)
- Removes a signal binding.
This requires the SignalHandler that has been originally returned by